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Sunday, June 19, 2011

An observation of Regulation

Here are some observations that I have made as I have travel around Indonesia.  Mind you it works for Indonesia and Indonesians. I have grown appreciative of my time here in Indonesia.

  1. Car Exhaust- We see people wearing mask as they drive and the air pollution here is the worst.
  2. Amount of people allowed to ride on the motorcycle- we see whole families and the family pet on some of these bikes, it looks like a circus act.
  3. Speed limit- I have not seen one sign that indicate the minimum or maximum speed limit, sometimes it looks like the Autobahn in Germany.
  4. Amount of people allowed to ride on the back of the truck- Once again there was like a whole soccer team on the back cheering because I guess they won.
  5. Litter- it is everywhere here it looks like multicolored snow as we drive throughout Indonesia.
  6. Driving on the shoulder- here it is viewed as another lane here and free for everyone to use.
  7. Street Food Vendors- every 5 feet there is someone selling some type of food that is made in their home or on their street vendor trolley/wagon. I saw someone with a cast iron pot over some burning coals with food inside cooking it in his wagon. They we saw this guy with 2 water dispensers tied to the front of his basket with rows of ice lemon tea packets dangling from basket. Anyone can sell what they want where they want to.
  8. No smoking in public places- I was in Starbucks and located on the table was a sign that said no smoking but at several tables there were people smoking and they had ash trays that were given to them.  

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